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Vintage Mudcloth Scarves (dark indigo)
Vintage Mudcloth Scarves (dark indigo)
Vintage Mudcloth Scarves (dark indigo)
Vintage Mudcloth Scarves (dark indigo)
Vintage Mudcloth Scarves (dark indigo)

Vintage Mudcloth Scarves (dark indigo)

Regular price $125.00

These vintage mudcloth scarves are made from natural indigo dyed fabric and woven by the Bamana women of Mali. Known as bogolanfini, they are decorated with geometrric patterns and traditionally make hunter's shirts and women's wraps.

Each piece is totally original, and are strips-sewn from indigo fabric that are handwoven together. They have worn in beautifully, producing a soft hand and dark indigo hues. They are totally unique items that add real character to any indigo lovers attire. 

Fabric: 100% cotton
Dimensions: 63" x 17"

Please note that vintage scarves may have imperfections which can include tears, rips, stains and frayed edges or seams.