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Premium jeans made in NYC

Eric Steffen
January, 2013

I’ve been making custom jeans for about a decade now. Just me. Day in, day out. Occasionally posting to social media or sending out a newsletter, but otherwise keeping my head down getting it done.

Recently it became clear that it was time to take the next step in my denim journey. So I created a highly curated line of ready to wear jeans with some of the best fabric and finishes in the world. A line that drops … today.

The collection consists of 8 exceptional fabrics from Collect Mills, finished with thread from Georgia, pure brass hardware from Connecticut, and buttery veg tanned leather from Pennsylvania. And lots more best-in-class details.

All made right here in NYC.

I’m proud of the product - they came out 🔥- but more importantly I’m proud of the process I followed to create them. No corners were cut.

Big thanks to all the supporters who have traveled this journey with me. The crazy ones who read these blog posts. And most of all, to my wife Dorothy. You've been there every step of the way. Thank you.

Link here for the full collection. Check it out. It’s good shit.

Brooklyn NY, 2023

#fittedfaders #thoushaltnotcutcorners