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FITTED In The Time Of Coronavirus

March 23, 2020 
An Update

The beginning of 2020 picked up where 2019 left off, with lots of progress: custom orders kept coming in, I received a meaningful ready to wear order, and I planned to pivot to shirting and jackets when I got out in front of my workload. As of mid March I was making great progress.

Then news of the coronavirus reaching the United States began to spread, and on its heals a new reality set in.  

Last week my son's daycare closed, so, no problem, I began watching him during the day and going to my workshop at night. Then all non essential businesses closed and the Governor ordered New York residents to stay home. Then I got food poisoning and felt nauseous and dizzy ...or was it something more? Well now.

I feel great, but for the next few weeks I am going to do the right thing and stay quarantined at home. I hope we all get through this as quickly and safely as possible. Therefore, production at FITTED Underground has stopped for now.

So far I love being home and spending time with my family. Over the weekend I did a Zoom call, it was great, more are scheduled. There's no traffic in New York City. And perhaps this crisis will bring the nation and the world closer together. So there are lots of silver linings. ... But I have to be honest, I can't wait to get back to work.

Stay safe my friends. 



    All the the best, my friend!

  • Eric Steffen

    Thanks everyone for your warm wishes!

  • Graham Rickard

    Thanks Eric for the message. From San Francisco, wishing all of you in NYC the best!

  • Jim Steffen - Pop

    Good move! Stay home so you can tell your grandchildren of the time cars in Brooklyn stopped. For now enjoy your grandchildren maker.

  • Holly Brown

    We will be stronger together. Stay safe and healthy! Thank you for sharing your personal story.

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